Our church is an independent Protestant church.
We do not belong to any denomination, but we are in the stream of Spirit-filled doctrine and can be called a 'New Testament Church' or 'Apostolic New Testament Church.'
One of our doctrinal characteristics is that we, by the grace of God, accept and walk in the five-fold ministry (see No.6 in the following section).
The followings are fundamental doctrines of our church:

1. The Bible

We believe that all 66 books of the Old and New Testaments are the Spirit-breathed, infallible word of God, and the absolute basis for our faith and lives. We require everything taught within our church to be grounded in God's Word and we faithfully scrutinize every teaching, using the Bible as our standard.

2. The Trinity

We believe that there is one God, in three persons - the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. They are distinct, yet are one being, essence, and nature.

3. Jesus Christ

Jesus is the only begotten Son of God and the only way to salvation. Jesus is the eternal God, and He came to this earth as a human. Jesus died upon a cross, carrying the burden of all the sin of mankind and accepting punishment in our place. He was buried, raised from the dead on the third day, and then ascended to heaven to be seated at get right hand of God. He sent the Holy Spirit in His place, and someday He will come once again.

4. Salvation by faith

We believe that we are not saved by our deeds, but faith in Jesus Christ alone. The sin of the first man, Adam, brought all mankind under the curse of sin and each and every person is born with a sin nature. Only by believing with faith that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and our personal Savior will we be delivered from sin and death, called righteous, born again, receive eternal life, and be allowed to enter into heaven. This salvation is a salvation of our spirits, souls, and bodies, and by the name of Jesus Christ we can be healed from sickness and delivered from the curse of sin. Salvation, healing, and deliverance are all given to us only by the grace of God.

5. Baptism of the Holy Spirit

We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This is a separate spiritual experience from salvation in which we are filled with the Holy Spirit and given the power for evangelism.

6. The Church

We believe that the church is a community of faith shared between believers that have been gathered together and led by the Lord. For the building up of His church, He has appointed gifts and callings of the five-fold ministry - apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. All generations and all believers belong to the one church that exists in heaven, and this heavenly church is manifested on the earth in the local church.

7. The Second Coming of Christ

In the 'end times,' we believe that one day Jesus Christ and his victorious ones who create the Bride of Christ will return to the earth with power and authority. At that time, all believers will be gathered to Jesus and begin the 1000 year reign. Sin and death will be abolished and all things will be made new, and a new heavenly kingdom will be brought forth. Those who believe in Jesus Christ will live together for eternity. The time of Jesus' second coming draw near!